Student Learning Outcomes
SLO Timeline
This timeline will be revised periodically to reflect the progress Las Positas College makes towards its Student Learning Outcomes goals.
Year 1
Fall 2004
- Task Force convened.
- Completed working Draft of Core Competencies.
- Created web site for LPC Intranet.
Spring 2005
- SLO training conducted for all faculty.
- Web site transitioned to Internet.
Year 2
Summer 2005
- Task Force participation in “Doing Assessment That Matters: A Leadership Institute” at U.C. Berkeley.
- Interested faculty began Pilot Projects on SLOs and Assessment at course and assignment level.
Fall 2005
- Flex day: faculty presentations of proposed SLO pilot projects.
- Implementation of 10 SLO pilot projects by LPC faculty.
- 5 SLO-focused department workshops.
- Assessment Philosophy Statement drafted and submitted to Faculty Senate for approval.
- Task Force’s “Student Learning Outcomes: Report and Recommendations” drafted, revised and submitted to President Halliday and Faculty Senate.
- Complete semester-by-semester action plans for two-year trial of proposed SLO and assessment cycle at LPC.
- Campus-wide casual inventory of courses and Core Competencies in preparation for revised edition of institutional outcomes.
- Updates to LPC’s SLO Website
Spring 2006
- Flex day: faculty presentations of SLO pilot project assessment results and modifications for improved teaching and learning.
- Meetings with Curriculum Committee Chair and Staff Development Chair to coordinate SLO activities and plans for next year.
- Coordination with Staff Development to support 7 SLO department workshops to be held over the semester.
- Revisions made to “Student Learning Outcomes: Report and Recommendations” based on Senate, Curriculum and Staff Development feedback.
- Faculty Senate approval of Assessment Philosophy Statement (2/22/06)
- Research, analysis and evaluation of technology support for SLOs and assessment reports. Presentations by elumen, Trac Dat and WEAVE.
- Budget and human resource recommendations for student learning outcomes efforts at LPC submitted to President Halliday (3/2/06).
Year 3
Summer 2006
- Purchased license to use eLumen software.
Fall 2006
- Worked with the vendor, LPC and District ITS to configure eLumen.
- Trained faculty to develop and collaborate on SLOs during 2nd half of town hall meeting.
- Convened a vanguard group of faculty that will serve as lead faculty members on SLOs
- Hired an adjunct faculty member to deliver training on SLOs and eLumen.
- Conducted a Flex Day training session.
Spring 2007
- eLumen Assessment
- Develop additional course-level SLOs and assessments
- Begin to develop program-level SLOs
- Develop assessment tool(s) applicable to SLO
- Develop additional SLOs (all courses?)
- Most advanced train on eLumen
- Examine course-level SLOs for all disciplines
- Measurable outcomes?
- Ensure correlation b/t course-level SLOs and course outlines
- Mentor disciplines that need help
- Begin to develop institutional outcomes
- Begin to develop processes for considering SLOs in institutional decisions (budget priorities, facilities, planning, etc.)
- eLumen Training workshops
- Assessment workshops
- Program-level SLO workshops/discussions (for Vanguard)
Year 4
Fall 2007
- Develop student learning outcome(s) for the 10 courses identified as needing to be completed (work with fellow faculty on an agreed upon outcome(s) for each of the 10 courses)
- Develop the appropriate rubric(s) and assessment(s) to accompany your student learning outcome(s) (this can be done with fellow faculty or individually by instructor)
- Work with Tina Inzerilla or Lauren Hasten to input the above two bullets into the eLumen system for all 10 courses
- Timeline: one course completed in September; 4 courses completed in October; 4 courses completed in November; one course completed in December. This is a draft timeline – you may certainly work ahead if you so choose.
- The objective is to have a total of 10 courses from each discipline/cluster that have outcome(s), rubrics and assessments placed into eLumen by the end of Fall 07.
- Faculty may choose to get started on this over the Summer. The Office of Academic Service and Research and Planning are willing to assist you with that.
Support available:
- Fall 07 begins with a Flex Day activity on August 16th that will train any of you not yet trained in the process, or work with those of you ready to input into eLumen. If you have not started on ANY SLOs we strongly suggest you attend this session and bring one or more of your course outlines to practice.
- The first division meeting will have some time allotted to SLO work; the deans will provide the time and each division will have an SLO mentor/trainer there to assist the division.
- The hour after Town Meetings will be devoted to SLO writing and will be scheduled in the MDB with breakouts for disciplines. These are committed times to SLOs and not to other meetings.
- Tina Inzerilla or Lauren Hasten will provide technical assistance throughout Fall 2007 and Spring 2008. Lauren has been given increased release time to help complete our revised plan.
Spring 2008
- Implement two of the 10 courses (1&2) over the spring semester (this is where you run the assessment, gather the results and make some type of recommendation and enter that into eLumen)
- Disciplines that have more than 10 courses need to create an SLO plan for 2 more courses
(11&12) each semester until they have plans for all courses. For example, English
has 20 courses listed in the catalog. After the initial planning for 10 courses in
Fall 07 they will have 10 remaining courses to plan.
With two courses being planned each semester, it will take English 5 semesters to complete plans for their remaining courses and 10 semesters to implement assessments for all their courses. Anthropology has 5 courses and they will be done planning all courses in Fall 07 and will have assessed all their courses in under three semesters. Once Anthropology gets to the end of their courses they will start at the beginning again, rotating in and out two courses each semester.
Year 5
Fall 2008
- Disciplines will Implement 2 new courses (3&4) and rerun the 2 they did the previous semester (1&2).
- Disciplines with more than 12 courses will create an SLO plan for two new courses (13&14).
Spring 2009
- Disciplines will implement 2 new courses (5&6) and rerun courses 3&4. Courses 1&2 will go out of rotation.
- Disciplines with more than 14 courses will create an SLO plan for two new courses (15&16)
Year 6
Fall 2009
- Continue SLO Assessment Cycle.
Spring 2010
- Campus dialogue about the SLO model and future implementation. Based upon our experience we may want to revise our model.
Year 7
Fall 2010
- Designate that the 2010-2011 academic year will be the “Respect and Responsibility” theme year in attempt to get more SLOs written for that core competency.
- Faculty Flex Day workshop, Town Meeting presentation on Respect and Responsibility
- Decide on the continued use of eLumen
Spring 2011
- Hold a ‘closing the loop’ workshop on Faculty Flex Day.
- Begin working with Instructional Program Review Committee to incorporate SLOs into Program Review
- Create web forms to increase the ease of entering SLOs, data, and program outcomes
Year 8
Fall 2011
- Incorporate SLOs into annual Program Review Update
- Goal: Reach Proficiency level on WASC rubric by end of academic year so this can be detailed in Midterm Report
Spring 2012
- Faculty Flex Day theme “Assessment Day”
- Fully incorporate adjuncts into the SLO process
Year 9
Fall 2012
- Accreditation Midterm Report
- Collaborate with the Program review committee to create the SLO portion of the annual program review update
- Review program review updates pertaining to SLOs
- Generate new SLO questions for the next annual program review update
- Deans email disciplines lists of courses without SLOs, courses not assessed, and degree/certificate outcomes not created/assessed
- Place two-page SLO advertisement in the students magazine, Naked
Spring 2013
- Standardize on a 5-point rubric for assessments
- Allow only discipline representatives to enter SLOs and rubrics
- Distribute Administrative Unit Outcomes forms to the administrative units to be included in the Administrative Unit Program Reviews
Year 10
Summer 2013
- Reorganize eLumen to utilize the matrix model
Fall 2013
- Publish student results by core competency for the course level SLOs
- Discuss faculty creating and assessing learning outcomes at Division Day following Convocation
Spring 2014
- Published student results by discipline for the course level SLOs
Review annual program review updates and provide input into the new questions for the next annual program review update - Discuss new version of eLumen and Curricunet
- Agreement from Staff Development to offer flex credit for full-time faculty when creating SLOs and inputting assessments
Year 11
Fall 2014
- Wrote for the Institutional Effectiveness Annual Report
- Worked with Program Review Committee to conduct College Day session on getting SLO results for Program Planning Updates
- Wrote answers for accreditation self-study
- Reviewed SLO portion of Program Planning Updates written by disciplines
Spring 2015
- Created SLO Liaison position
- Held meeting for all faculty to discuss our progress on SLO assessment
- Convened group of faculty leaders to generate an assessment plan (Common Ground Meeting)
- Surveyed faculty on their use of assessment data (SLO survey)
- Worked to integrate SLOs into the Curriculum process
- Reached 100% program SLOs written
- Reached 93% programs assessed
- Reached 99% course SLOs written
- Reached 93% course SLOs assessed
Student Learning Outcomes Committee
Committee Meeting Schedule
Monthly on the 2nd & 4th Mondays
from 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. in 21147
For more information please contact:
John Rosen
SLO Committee Chair
(925) 424-1296
Alaina Osuka
Curriculum & SLO Specialist
(925) 424-1106