Academic Services
Academic Services
The Academic Services Organization is responsible for the instructional programs, instructional support services, and faculty/student support necessary to serve the college, its students and community through quality academic offerings. Academic Services comprises the Office of Academic Services and four divisions: Arts & Humanities (A&H); Business, Social Science, and Learning Resources (BSSL); Public Safety, Advanced Manufacturing, Transportation, Health & Kinesiology (PATH); Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Environment (STEM).
The Academic Services Team has set forth the following objectives as its priorities for the coming year:
- Provide effective communication among the Division Offices and the Office of Academic Services and Las Positas College as a whole about its academic programs as they relate to student needs, curriculum, policies and procedures, and budgets.
- In collaboration with faculty and the Academic Services Office, produce a comprehensive Schedule of Classes and College Catalog that meet the diverse and dynamic needs of our students.
- Inspire a culture of evidence and ongoing learning for faculty through meaningful opportunities for professional development.
Las Positas College Catalog
Academic Calendar
Class Schedule
Academic Services Forms
Final Exam Schedule
Academic Services Data Tools
Academic Services Office
Building 1600, Second Floor
Suite 1690
Office Hours
Monday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Thursday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Nan Ho, Ed.D.
Vice President of Academic Services
(925) 424-1103
Carolyn Y. Scott, MPA
Executive Assistant to the VP
(925) 424-1104
Andrea Migliaccio, M.S.
Curriculum & Scheduling Specialist
(925) 424-1108
Alaina Osuka
Curriculum & SLO Specialist
(925) 424-1106
Vicki Shipman
Career Technical Education Projects Mgr.
(925) 424-1355
Traci Peterson, MPA
Educational Partnerships Projects Mgr.
(925) 424-1109
Megan Garcia, M.A.
Community Education Coordinator
(925) 424-1467