Computer Center
Computer Center
The campus is closed Feb. 14 through Feb. 17th
in observance of Presidents' Weekend.
Offices will reopen on Tuesday, 2/18.
For W ID or CLASS-Web account help, please contact the
Admissions & Records office at
In-person help &
open computer lab
First come, first-served assistance, computer use,
and open Wi-Fi, in a quiet study space for students
Academic Support - Building 2100, Room 21206 on the 2nd floor
Drop-in help via Zoom
To join our live Zoom meeting
click the Zoom logo below
or scan the QR code with your mobile device
Submit a support ticket
Click to Submit a Help Ticket!
Expect an email reply within 4 hours - during business hours
Leave a voicemail message
(925) 424-1142
Expect reply within 4 hours during business hours
We can help students with:
Canvas, Zonemail, Applications, Registration, Zoom, Proctorio
Using Microsoft Office apps and Google apps
- College technology and software use issues
Scanning and saving files to PDF or other file formats
And during the semester when the room is open:
HP and Mac computers and open Wi-Fi for students
- A quiet place to study, print, attend an online class,
e-submit college documents or ask for help - Access to printing or copying (print fee card required),
a flatbed scanner, and a range of essential apps
and subject-specific software, including MS Office,
Adobe Creative Cloud, and much more.
Room 21206 hours
Zoom support hours
Hours subject to change
The Computer Center is closed
weekends, college holidays,
and between semesters.