- Las Positas College
- Student Learning Outcomes
- Student Learning Outcomes Committee
Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes Committee
The Student Learning Outcomes Committee is comprised of faculty, staff, administrators, and student representatives drawn from a variety of campus divisions.
Committee Charge:
To elicit board perspectives and advice regarding learning goals for all Las Positas students, faculty, administrators, and staff.
This group provides an advisory linkage to the Academic Senate on matters pertaining to the College’s immediate and long-range plans to integrate student learning outcomes and assessment at the course, program, and institutional levels. With the advice and consent of the Academic Senate, this group reviews core competencies for LPC students and develops strategies and timelines for incorporating and coordinating these competencies into learning outcomes inherent in courses and programs.
The Student Learning Outcomes group works with the Curriculum Committee, Program Review, and Staff Development, establishing policies and procedures concerning the institutionalization of SLOs and assessment at LPC, which will be brought to the Academic Senate for review and approval. In addition to providing support and materials needed for the development of SLOs and assessment, this group also coordinates, collects, and archives assessment activities in all sectors and organizes campus dialogue process concerning student learning outcomes and assessment.
The committee meets the second and fourth Mondays of each month, at 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.,
in-person with a Zoom option for guests.
2024-25 Committee Members
- Chair: John Rosen
- Faculty representatives from each Division
- A&H: Julia McGurk
- BSSL: John Rosen
- PATH: Sue DeFuniak
- STEM: Jennifer Decker
- SS: Kimberly Burks
- Division Dean: Stuart McElderry (BSSL)
- Institutional Research and Planning: Rajinder Samra
- Classified (SLO Support): Vacant
- Student Representative: Abigail Brandel
Student Learning Outcomes Committee
Committee Meeting Schedule
Monthly on the 2nd & 4th Mondays
from 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. in 21147
For more information please contact:
John Rosen
SLO Committee Chair
(925) 424-1296
Alaina Osuka
Curriculum & SLO Specialist
(925) 424-1106