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Las Positas College

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Complete SAP Policy

  • Who Must Meet SAP Requirements:
    Any student receiving federal financial aid must meet SAP standards set by both the federal government and the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District (CLPCCD).

  • What is SAP?
    SAP means making the required academic progress in every term you’re enrolled.

  • When Does SAP Apply?
    These requirements apply to all terms, whether or not you actually receive financial aid.

  • How is SAP Evaluated?
    The College Financial Aid Office reviews your academic progress each term:

    • After Admissions & Records processes your grades.
    • Before aid is disbursed for the next term.

How do I check my SAP status on CLASS-Web?

To meet SAP standards, these conditions must be met:

  1. Student must demonstrate a minimum 67% cumulative completion rate
  2. Student must demonstrate a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA
  3. Student has attempted less units than 150% of the length of their declared official academic program.

Academic Progress Warning & Disqualification Policy

  • Warning Status:

    • If you do not meet the required completion rate or GPA, you will be placed on WARNING status for one term.
  • Disqualification:

    • If you fail to meet the required conditions while on WARNING status, you will be DISQUALIFIED from receiving financial aid.
    • If you attempt more units than 150% of what is needed to complete your academic program, you will be placed on Excessive Unit Disqualification.
  • Regaining Eligibility:

    • If you are DISQUALIFIED, you can automatically regain financial aid eligibility by achieving:
      • A minimum completion rate of 67% and
      • A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.


Petition for Reinstatement of Financial Aid

If you lose financial aid eligibility due to not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), you may be able to appeal through a Petition for Reinstatement. There are two main bases for petitioning:

1. Documented Extenuating Circumstances

  • Examples:
    • Serious personal illness or accident
    • Death, accident, or serious illness in the immediate family
    • Other mitigating circumstances
  • Requirements:
    • Clearly state and document what caused the problem.
    • Explain what has changed that will now allow you to succeed.
    • Submit a full Student Education Plan (SEP).
    • Complete all three GetSAP counseling sessions (visit GetSAP Counseling) before filing your petition.

2. Improved Academic Performance

  • When to Use:
    • If there are no extenuating circumstances or if they cannot be documented.
  • Requirements:
    • During your most recent term of attendance, you must have:
      • Earned at least 6 units.
      • Achieved a 75% completion rate (units earned vs. units attempted).
      • Earned a minimum 2.5 GPA.

After a Petition is Granted

  • Status:
    • You will be placed on PROBATION for the next term.
  • Requirements During Probation:
    • You must meet both the minimum cumulative GPA and cumulative completion rate at the end of the term.
    • Failure to meet these standards will result in disqualification until you meet the required minimums.
  • Conditional Probation:
    • In some cases, you may be placed on CONDITIONAL PROBATION with specific conditions you must meet during the term to remain eligible.
    • Not meeting these conditions will also result in disqualification.

Excessive Units Petition

Excessive Units Petition Fillable Form

  • Maximum Timeframe for Financial Aid:

    • General Rule:
      Students can receive financial aid only within 150% of the program's length, measured by attempted units.
    • For AA, AS, AAT, AST, and Transfer Programs:
      These programs are considered to be 60 units long. Once you reach 90 attempted units, you've exceeded the maximum timeframe.
    • For Certificate Programs:
      The maximum timeframe is also 150% of the program length. For example, in a 30-unit certificate program, you reach the limit at 45 attempted units.
  • Filing a Petition for Excessive Units:

    • When to File:
      You can file a petition if you are disqualified from receiving financial aid due to exceeding the maximum timeframe.
    • Eligibility Requirements:
      • You must have at least a 67% cumulative completion rate.
      • You must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.
      • These requirements are in line with federal regulations and must be met at the time of filing your petition.
  • After Filing the Petition:

    • Limited Approval:
      Petitions are approved for only a limited number of terms.
    • Ongoing Requirements:
      • You must continue to meet all Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards each term.
      • You must enroll in the remaining courses listed in your Student Education Plan (SEP).
      • Failing to do so may result in permanent disqualification from financial aid.


NOTREV         Your status has not yet been reviewed

PROG              Making Progress

WARN             Warning

DISQ                Disqualified, ineligible

PRBTN            Probation - per approved petition (one term)

CONDPR         Conditional Probation per approved petition (multiple terms)

DISUNT           Disqualified due to reaching the point of Excessive Units

EPRBT1           Probation-Excessive Units petition approved for 1 term

EPRBT2           Probation-Excessive Units petition approved for 2 terms

EPRBT3           Probation-Excessive Units petition approved for 3 terms

EPRBT4           Probation-Excessive Units Petition approved for 4 terms