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Las Positas College

The Honors Program Covid-19 Update

The Honors Transfer Program is committed to supporting the amazing work of our honors students and honors project mentors during this time! The following describes how the Honors Transfer Program will operate during this time.

Applying for the Program

The LPC Honors Transfer Program is welcoming new members! The process of applying for the program was already completed online, and is not being changed.  For help or information please  email

Creating a Contract

The process of creating and completing an honors contract may be somewhat ammended for some students who are taking classes at this time. Negotiations with your instructors as you create your contracts may take place via Zoom, email, messaging, or whatever virtual platform may be preferred by your instructor. The Honors Contract Proposal form remains online and will still be completed for each of your contracts. See the Forms Page of our website.

Instructor Mentoring on Your Projects

You will still be required to check-in with your mentor instructor every 2-3 weeks as you develop your projects so that you can obtain advice and guidance. For most students, these check-ins will now occurr via video conference, email, or any other virtual platform preferred by  your instructor. Be sure to work out the specifics of your mentorship plan with your instructor before submitting your contract proposal form, as these details should be discussed in the proposal summary included with that form.