- Las Positas College
- Governance
- Resource Allocation Committee
- Instructional Equipment Requests
Resource Allocation Committee
Instructional Equipment Requests
Below are the necessary definitions, rubric, and request form for the Instructional Equipment Request (IER) process. The Resource Allocation Committee (RAC) will utilize the definitions, rubric, and form to review all IE Requests and make recommendations to the President.
RAC stresses the importance of quality requests and encourages all requesters to consult the IER rubric when writing the request. RAC may choose not to rank incomplete requests or requests that do not adhere strictly to dates and stated timelines.
IER Process
- Completed packet signed and submittion to Division Dean
- Dean reviews and forwards to Vice President
- Vice President reviews and forwards to Executive Assistant of Administrative Services
- Executive Assistant logs requests and forwards to M&O and IT for review
- RAC reviews and scores requests -- scores combined into rankings by Executive Assistant for final review
- RAC Chair meets with College President to discuss ranked requests
- College President issues approval memo to RAC
- RAC notifies requestors via email of approved requests and additional steps (e.g. additional quotes, board, etc.)
- Requestor submits Requisition with updated quote(s) (itemization not required on reqs for IER requests, see example) to Division Office
- Business Office reviews requisitions received by Division Offices, enters requisition into Banner, and forwards to Purchasing
- Purchasing will assist with requests that must go out for bid and requires board approval (requestor will be notified)
Critical Details
All Instructional Equipment Requests must include:
- A valid quote (with extended expiration date, whenever possible)
- Please note the RAC process takes time before the purchase is made. You may need to contact the vendor for an updated quote when your request is ready to go to Purchasing. You will be contacted via email regarding the next steps.
- Shipping costs must be provided by the vendor and included on the quote.
- The required tax rate to be used is 10.25%.
- A Vendor Profile Application and a W-9 if the vendor has not been set up in Banner.
- Requesters may be asked to secure additional information after the ranking process. Please respond to emails from the committee and/or Administrative Services promptly. Failure to response may result in an inability to process your request(s).
- Please note that items requested may not be delivered within the current school year. Requesters should assume implementation of use in the following academic year.
To submit your requests, please visit this page for documents and forms.
Emergency Equipment Replacement:
Requests (w/ requisitions) for the emergency replacement of unrepairable instructional equipment should be submitted to the requestor’s Dean who will forward the request to the VP of Administrative Services. Equipment from approved requests may be purchased immediately and a summary should be presented at the subsequent RAC meeting.
Resource Allocation Committee
Committee Chair
Titian Lish
(925) 424-1127
Meeting Schedule
First Thursday
Via Zoom
2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.