- Las Positas College
- Governance
- Resource Allocation Committee
- Resource Allocation Committee
Resource Allocation Committee
For more terms not related to Resource Allocation please visit: California Community College Commonly Used Terms
- Administrator: A person responsible for maintaining, developing, coordinating, and overseeing the various programs in public and private colleges and universities.
- CARES Act: The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act is an economic stimulus bill signed in March 2020 to provide funding for needs related to the Covid-19 pandemic.
- Certificated Staff: Prior to AB 1725, referred to personnel (faculty, administrators, supervisors, nurses, librarians, etc.) who, by law, had to have a credential to perform their duty. Certification has been superseded by the designation of Minimum Qualifications for academic employees
- Classified Staff: Employees of a district not in academic positions, including secretarial staff, computer and program technicians, instructional aides, accountants and maintenance personnel
- Faculty: The instructors or teachers at a college or university
- FTEF: Full-Time Equivalent Faculty- The total number of full- and part-time faculty counted in terms of full teaching loads, not headcount.
- FTES: Full-Time Equivalent Students - A “full-time student” is defined as one who is enrolled in 12 or more units. FTES is determined by dividing 12 into the total number of units in which all students are enrolled.
- Grant Funded: A grant is a fund given by an entity – often a public body, charitable foundation, or a specialised grant-making institution – to an individual or another entity for a specific purpose linked to public benefit. Unlike loans, grants are not to be paid back
- HEERF: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund provides emergency funding to higher education as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
- Instructional Equiptment: Instructional equipment expenditures are eligible if the equipment, library material, or technology is for classroom instruction, student instruction or demonstration, or in the preparation of learning materials in an instructional program. There are five categories that will be used to classify instructional support: Equipment & Furniture/Information Technology/Software/Adaptive Equipment/Library Material
- LPC Planning Priorities: Available here: https://goo.gl/LU99m1
- Program Review: A program is an organized set of courses and/or services that lead to defined objectives in support of and advancement of student learning. Program Review is a document for recording and planning the short- and long-range needs for educational programs and services and for human, physical, technology, and financial resources.
- Quote: A document that lists the prices proposed by a seller for their goods or services and offered to a potential customer.
- Requisition: A formal request for obtaining a product or service utilizing standardized forms and processes to help maintain an audit trail.
- Sustainable: Sustainability focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the success of the future in areas relatd to energy, water, open space and other resources by promoting reduced consumption, reuse, recycling, and composting of these resources
- Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) - Knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes that a student has attained at the end (or as a result) of his or her engagement in a particular set of collegiate experiences.
- Total Cost of Ownership - In addition to the initial cost of a purchase, all long-term and indirect costs resulting from that purchase.
- Vendor Profile Form: A questionairre with request for a businesses operating details such as contact info, tax idea, and types of services or goods offered.
Commonly Used Aconyms
- ACCJC: Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges
- CAP: Classified and Administrative Position
- IER: Instructions Equipment Resquests
- IT: IT Information Technology
- M&O: Maintainance and Operations
- RAC: Resource Allocation Committee
Resource Allocation Committee
Committee Chair
Titian Lish
(925) 424-1127
Meeting Schedule
First Thursday
Via Zoom
2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.