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- AA Biology Emphasis in Allied Health
- Biology AS-T
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- Biology UC Pathway AS
- Certificate Computational Biology
- Biology UC Pathway Certificate
- Biology Majors & Transfer
- Pre-Professional Pathway
- Pre-Nursing / Pre-Dental Hygiene
- BA Biology in Teaching
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Welcome to the Biology Department Website!
Important Announcement: All Biology courses have new rubrics and numbers starting in Fall 2015.
What do you want to do?
- Major in Biology
- Fulfill my lower division Biology requirements for transfer to a 4-year university
- Fulfill my pre-nursing requirements in preparation for nursing school
- Earn my AA-Biology
- Earn my AA-Biology, Emphasis in Allied Health
- Earn My Biology AS-T
- Take a General Education class in biology
- Earn a Bachelor’s in Biology AND a teaching credential at CSU East Bay
- Find a list of all Biology classes
- Find out prerequisites for a Biology class
- Find a course outline for a Biology class
- Meet other Biology students
- Join the Biology Honor Society
Mission of the Biology Department
Our mission is to provide excellent teaching and learning for a wide variety of courses and career goals in biology. Our program serves biology majors and pre-professional transfer students, students preparing for careers in Allied Health, students seeking to satisfy specific degree, certificate, and general education requirements, and students seeking to gain intellectual enrichment. Our program provides career development and volunteer opportunities for students.
Who Should Take Biology Courses?
- Biology courses are required for all biology major students to transfer to four-year universities or earn an AA-Biology degree. These include students who intend to enter graduate programs in biology or professional training programs such as medical, dental, pharmacy, physical therapy and optometry schools.
- Biology courses are required for the AA-Biology - Emphasis in Allied Health degree and for students seeking career training for the Allied Health fields. These include students entering nursing school and programs in Allied Health fields (such as radiology, dental hygiene, physical therapy, occupational therapy, emergency medical technicians, medical assisting, and health information technology programs).
- Biology courses are required for the Biology AS-T degree. The Associate in Science in Biology for Transfer degree is designed to prepare students for a seamless transfer into the CSU system to complete a baccalaureate degree in Biology or similar major. These include students who intend to enter graduate programs in biology or professional training programs such as medical, dental, pharmacy, physical therapy and optometry schools.
- Biology courses fulfill requirements for certificates and other AA and AS degrees, including Psychology, Occupational Safety and Health, Horticulture, Physical Education, Sports Medicine, Science Technology, Viticulture, and Enology.
- Biology courses are frequently chosen to fulfill the general education and IGETC requirement for a laboratory science course.
What Biology Courses Should I Take?
Important Announcement: All Biology courses have new rubrics and numbers starting in Fall 2015.
What does a Biologist Do?
Biologist study the origin and evolution, development, anatomy and physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology, genetics, ecology, behavior, and other basic principles of plants, animals and other living organisms. Various areas of specialization are available to biologists in academic and industrial research, manufacturing, teaching, health care, natural resource management, public policy, consulting, administration, and organizations such as zoos, aquaria, museums, and parks. Biologists are usually classified according to speciality, e.g. microbiologists, ecologists, physiologists, molecular biologists, biochemists, naturalists, and geneticists. Preparation for some entry level jobs in these and other areas generally require a bachelor's degree in biology.
For more information please contact:
Dana Nakase
Biology Coordinator
Angel Contreras Cardenas
Jill Carbone
Barbara Zingg
Ann Hight
Kai Blaisdell
Segal Boaz

Biology Club
The primary goal of the Biology Club is to bring lovers of biology together. The Club is open to all students excited about making a difference, building friendships, serving the community, and exploring many opportunities for leadership and fun activities.
Additional Student Resources