- Las Positas College
- Las Positas College Directory
- Mathematics
- Ashley McHale
Ashley McHale
- E-mail: amchale@laspositascollege.edu
- Phone: (925) 424-1351
- Office: 21340
- Office Hours: Office Hours Zoom Link
Website for syllabi
Spring 2025: Calculus 3
My student contact hours are in-person in room 21119, or in 21215.
Online office hours on Zoom are available by appointment.
- Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00-10:45 am in 21119
- Tuesdays 2:30pm-3:30pm in 21215
- Other times by appointment

I'm so glad you found me! I am here to help YOU, my student. My favorite part about teaching is watching you learn. I love the realization when you understand and the questions when you don’t. Please don’t be a stranger. Visit me during office hours, talk with me before and after class, and let me know more about you. I strive to make my classes interesting and relevant, and sometimes that includes personal stories, so you’ll learn about me too.
Get in Touch With Me:
See office hours above!
Check out my website, which houses my course syllabi and a lot of resources for students! I am also a Math Alliance Mentor.
You may wonder, how is my name pronounced? Listen to my NameBadge!
Academic and Career Pathway:
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Environment Pathway
About My Classes:
I teach collaboratively and interactively, with students directly applying concepts in group work and relevant applications. I strive to use free resources as much as possible, so students do not need to pay for textbooks or materials. Most of my classes are supported by textbooks in LibreTexts or OpenStax, and homework assignments are provided by MyOpenMath.
Online and Hybrid:
- Tests are online with NO proctoring software. Students have three days to choose from to take the test, and have 2 hours to complete the test in one sitting.
- I use Canvas and YouTube videos to support learning.
- Statistics: tests are in-person in two parts: Part 1, no notes; Part 2 open notes/book. Part 1 tests on concepts and vocabulary; part 2 tests on detailed procedures and understanding.
- Algebra, Calculus, Trigonometry: tests are in-person with scientific calculator and no notes.
About Me:
Bachelor of Science, Mathematics; Elon University
Master of Science, Applied Mathematics; Texas Tech University
I firmly believe that every student can learn to think mathematically. I am dedicated to offering students a variety of learning supports, including utilizing brain research, growth mindset activities, and genuine care, to enrich, personalize, and holistically support their academic success.
I have been teaching math at the postsecondary level since 2001 and at Las Positas since 2007, including classes from prealgebra through multivariable calculus, linear algebra and discrete mathematics. In addition to teaching math, I advise the Alpha Gamma Sigma Honor Society (AGS) and Math Club at LPC. I am also the State AGS Chair of Scholarships and Awards. I am currently the President-Elect of LPC Academic Senate and hold other roles on campus. I have also served as the Mathematics Department Coordinator, Math Learning Center Coordinator, and Coordinator of the Basic Skills Student Outcomes and Transformations Grant (to help students accelerate through mathematics and English pathways), Basic Skills Committee Chair, and Student Equity and Achievement Committee Co-chair. Currently, my educational interests include best practices for equity of marginalized students, mathematics education for elementary students and teachers, computing in Statistics courses, and pursuing open educational resources (better known as “free textbooks”) for classes.