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Las Positas College



Important Information 
Current Funding Level
Current Mileage Rate
Conference Checklist 
Before the Conference
During the Conference
After the Conference
Professional Development Funding Deadlines

Important Information

Everyone MUST complete a Conference request form and obtain approval from your supervisor(s) BEFORE attending any conference outside of the district. Even if you don’t anticipate asking for reimbursement, there are liability issues that could arise if LPC employees travel outside of the district without first obtaining the necessary approval.


Full-Time Faculty and Staff may apply for Professional Development Funds after obtaining their supervisor's approval.  Part-Time Faculty applying for Professional Development funding must meet the minimum requirements of both a 40% workload (6 CAH) and 2 consecutive years with LPC.

Beginning in Fall 2019, there will be an important change to this policy .  Part-Time Faculty applying for Professional Development funding must meet the minimum requirements of either a 40% workload (6 CAH) or obtain 3 cumulative (not necessarily consecutive) years with LPC, broken up into six semesters.  These years of service may be retroactive from the date of this new policy.  There is no minimum unit requirement for a semester of service.  For instance a faculty member working for 6 cumulative semesters at 2 CAH would become eligible for conference funding in their 7th semester of employment at LPC, regardless of their load balance (as long as they are currently teaching at that time).    

Current Funding Level

The institutional budget for the Professional Development General Fund for the 2024-2025 Academic Year is approximately $16,000.  Faculty are eligible for up to $750 in annual reimbursement for the 2024-2025 Academic Year. Prior to applying for the PD General Fund, please consult the Funding webpage to determine if you are eligible for grant or initiative funds.  In the event that you are eligible, please apply for those funds in order to free up general fund money for other faculty who might not be eligible for such funds.  

PD funds must be approved prior to your event. The committee does not do retroactive reimbursements.

Should you be approved for grant/initiative funding, you will not be eligible to apply for funds via the Professional Development General Fund.  

Current Mileage Rate

 The current mileage rate can be found here

Conference Checklist

Please download an updated conference checklist for your convenience. This checklist contains everything you need to know from start to finish before submitting your conference paperwork. In the event that you wish to apply for grant funding, please consult the Funding webpage and follow the instructions for applying for grant/initiative funds. In this case, you do not need to fill out the Professional Development Activity Proposal Form unless specifically requested to do so, as you will not be eligible for Professional Development Funding in the event your request is approved. Instead, you will complete the grant/funding application through the appropriate grant/fund administrator.

Before the Conference

  1. Download, complete, and print out the Professional Development Activity Proposal Packet. Fill out the form completely and print it out.
  2. To determine if you are eligible for grant funding, please consult the Funding webpage and follow the instructions for applying for grant/initiative funds.   In this case, you do not need to fill out the Professional Development Activity Proposal Form unless specifically requested to do so, as you will not be eligible for Professional Development Funding in the event your request is approved. Instead, you will complete the grant/funding application through the appropriate grant/fund administrator.
  3. Attach all supporting materials, conference brochures, schedules, and registration forms.
  4. Submit the Professional Development Activity Proposal Form, documentation, and the district conference request form to your Dean or Immediate Supervisor for approval. If you are applying for additional grant funding, please submit both forms to the Grant Administrator prior to submitting to your Dean or Immediate Supervisor.
  5. Make sure your supervisor or Dean forwards the completed paperwork to the Professional Development Coordinator by no later than 5:00 PM on the 1st Monday of each month. it is also a good idea to email the PDC coordinator in advance notifying them of your incoming proposal.
  6. Proposers will be notified about the status of their proposal within one week of the Professional Development Committee meeting. Please check the Professional Development Meeting Minutes to see if your proposal was approved or denied.
  7. Please keep in mind that out-of-state travel requires Chancellor approval and international travel requires Board of Trustees approval.  The PDC cannot authorize the use of funds without these prior approvals.

During the Conference

  1. Collect all original receipts (photocopies are not accepted) including conference registration, hotel & travel expenses, and your allotted food & beverage expenses (meal per diems). Note: Per diem allowances are reimbursable for in-state overnight travel that is 45 miles or more from the traveler's home or primary worksite.  
  2. Collect all relevant conference related material, including programs, flyers, and other documents.
  3. Make sure you are in attendance for all relevant conference activities and events.
  4. Take copious and meaningful notes at the sessions and events you attend.

After the Conference

calendar logo

  1. Download, complete, and print out a Conference Expense Claim Form.   Indicate "Approved for Professional Development Funds" on there.  Make certain your signature is on the form before proceeding to step #2. 
  2. Attach all original receipts.  Submit the completed and signed forms to your Academic Dean or direct supervisor for approval and signature within 30 days of your attendance at the conference.  Then your Dean or direct supervisor will forward it to the appropriate Vice President for signature.
  3. A one page summary of the conference or activity is no longer required.

Professional Development Funding Deadlines

Professional Development Deadlines for 2024-25

Due Dates for Submitting Conference Proposals

Committee Meeting/Approval Dates (for conferences occurring after these dates)

September 3, 2024 (1st Tuesday due to Labor Day Holiday)

September 9, 2024

October 7, 2024

October 14, 2024

November 4, 2024

November 11, 2024 (no formal committee meeting - will approve through email)

December 2, 2024

December 9, 2024

January 6, 2025

 January 13, 2025 (no formal committee meeting - will approve through email)

February 3, 2025

February 10, 2025

March 3, 2025

March 10, 2025

April 7, 2025

April 14, 2025

May 5, 2025

May 12, 2025

First Monday of the Month

No retroactive proposals will be accepted

The end of the fiscal year is June 30, 2025


  • What can Professional Development Funds be used for?

    Section 87153 of California Education Code specifies the type of Professional Development activities that may be funded by the Community College Professional Development Program. They are as follows:
    • Improvement of teaching.
    • Maintenance of current academic and technical knowledge and skills.
    • In-service training for vocational education and employment preparation.
    • Retraining to meet changing institutional needs.
    • Intersegmental exchange programs.
    • Development of innovations in instructional and adminstrative techniques and program effectiveness.
    • Computer and technological proficiency programs.
    • Courses and training implementing affirmative action and upward mobility.
    • Other activities determined to be related to educational and professional development pursuant to criteria established by the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, including, but not necessarily limited to, programs designed to develop self-esteem.

  • What types of Conference Activities can be used toward Variable FLEX credit and what types cannot?

If you attend a conference during your normal work week and the hours of the activities fall during your regular work hours, you may not use that time towards Variable FLEX credit. The rationale for this is that you are carrying out “alternate duties” during a regular workday.

On the other hand, if you were to attend activities that fall OUTSIDE of your normal working hours, then you can count that time. For instance, say you went to a conference that had activities from 8-4 and you normally work from 8-2 (assigned hours). Then the talks you attended from 2-4 could be used toward Variable FLEX.

The best conferences to attend to obtain Variable FLEX credit are the ones that fall out on a weekend or over a school break.