- Las Positas College
- High School Articulation
- Teacher Instructions
High School Articulation
High School Articulation
Teacher Instructions
Title V of the California Educational Code is very clear about the faculty role in curriculum development at the community college level. It is the community college faculty members who determine and authorize the appropriate curriculum and articulation. In order to determine if your courses are appropriate for articulation with a Las Positas College course you will need to work collaboratively with Las Positas College faculty.
Once courses have been identified, the appropriate faculty/teachers will need to meet to compare course outlines, competencies, end of course assessment(s), and any other vital information to determine if an agreement is possible.
Articulation is on a course by course basis. Agreements are valid for three academic years from the endorsement date of Las Positas College faculty/administration.
Articulation Deadlines
New Agreements - All new agreements must be to Las Positas College by the end of March of each academic year to be considered for the following academic year.
Renewal Agreements - All renewal agreements are treated as new agreements and must be to Las Positas College by the end of March of each academic year to be considered for the following academic year.
The following is a the process to articulate your course with Las Positas College:
Step 1 - Pre-Agreement Process
- Consult with your Adult School/High School/ROP colleagues to determine the following:
- Is your course comparable to the Las Positas College course?
- Are there valid reasons to pursue articulation for this particular course?
- Is your course outline detailed and current with the Las Positas College course?
- Is there a teacher available who has the time and desire to work through the collegial consultation and approval process?
- Identify similar courses using LPC resources including:
- If course outline is not available, email lpc-hsarticulation@laspositascollege.edu
- Contact Las Positas College faculty to discuss potential course articulations for
the next academic year.
- Prior to contacting Las Positas College faculty, be prepared to submit a course outline and a final exam for review and/or discussion.
- Upon agreement with Las Positas College faculty for potential articulation, proceed to Step 2 below.
Step 2 - Agreement
- Complete the Adult School - High School - ROP Course Articulation Agreement form
- Print the form
- Include a cover with all required documentation
- Obtain all required signatures
- Scan and email to lpc-hsarticulation@laspositascollege.edu for college faculty/administration endorsement.
Step 3 - Agreement Approved (CATEMA Quick Start Guide)
For additional information or assistance, please contact:
Vicki Shipman
Career Technical Education Project Manager
Email: lpc-hsarticulation@laspositascollege.edu
Phone: 925.424.1355
Note: When all college-level approvals are completed, a copy of the agreement will be scanned and emailed to the instructors of record and the course will be added to the inventory located on this website.
High School Articulation
Vicki Shipman
Career Technical Education Projects Manager