- Las Positas College
- Computer Center
- Printing
Print Cards for Computer Lab Material Fees
As stated in the LPC Class Schedule, printing from campus computers requires a PRINT FEE CARD which can be purchased from the Bookstore (discounted) or from the card dispensers in the Library or 803 Computer Center (not discounted).
- Best bargain is a bulk discount print fee card purchased in the Bookstore:
$10.00 value (100 pages @ $.10 per page) for discount price of $7.50 + $.50 for card = $8.00 total cost - Next best bargain is to add value to a previously purchased Print Fee Card: $1.00 added value = 10 pages @ $.10 per page
- For convenience, you can purchase a card in the Computer Center or Library (one dollar
bills only-no coins; no change given in Computer Labs):
$.10 per page x 5 pages = $.50 + $.50 for card = $1.00 total cost (for 5 pages) - COLOR PRINTING $.50 per page
No refunds given for your printing mistakes
Please use Print Preview to save money
Please ask for assistance as soon as you encounter any problems!
A new Print Fee Card must be purchased if your card is lost or damaged
$ Please treat Print Fee Cards like cash $