Teaching And Learning Center
Located in Room 2410, the Teaching and Learning Center is an 1,879 square-foot Professional Development lounge that features 14 desktop workstations and flexible seating to facilitate discussion. LPC employees are welcome to use this area:
- as a collaborative work space
- to attend workshops
- for drop-in support with the TLC Team
TLC Mission Statement
The mission of the TLC is to inspire and enable faculty to enhance teaching and learning through the effective use of instructional technologies. Providing quality resources and focused training and support, the TLC is the hub of the college's professional development activities that contribute to the pedagogical and technical knowledge of LPC faculty, staff, and administrators. The TLC also provides leadership, coordination, and management of the college's web site, instructional technology efforts, and Distance Education efforts. Ultimately, TLC work will result in student-centered courses that allow all students, including those with disabilities, to reach their educational goals.
Key Services
- Provide pedagogical and technical training and support to faculty integrating technology into their curricula and designing hybrid, HyFlex and online courses. This training and support are done on campus and online.
- Lead the Distance Education efforts in addressing and solving issues relating to all aspects of DE, including curriculum, strategic planning, policies and procedures, scheduling and writing reports.
- Coordinate the delivery of all web-enhanced, hybrid, HyFlex, and online courses.
- Administer the college's course management system to ensure continuous, optimal efficiency of courses.
- Administer the college's web content management system, and train and support those utilizing it.
- Train and support faculty and staff on how to make their web content accessible to all students, particularly those with disabilities.
Usage Guidelines
To provide a high level of service, we would appreciate your help:
- Backing up your files to your personal or network drives, rather than storing files on the hard drives of TLC computers.
- Refraining from installing programs or changing settings on TLC computers before checking with a TLC team member.
- Clearing requests for large projects involving the TLC team with the Instructional Technology Coordinator.
TLC Team
Stop by, call us, or book an appointment for one-on-one support with Canvas, instructional technology, accessibility, course design, or web design:
- Room: 2410
- Phone: 925-424-1655
- Hours: 8 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday
- Staff:
- Wanda Butterly, Instructional Technology Specialist
- You can now book an appointment with Wanda for one-on-one support!
- Kathleen King, Instructional Technology Coordinator
- Timothy Druley, Webmaster
- Wanda Butterly, Instructional Technology Specialist