- Las Positas College
- Guided Pathways
- Guided Pathways
- Apply Start Your Experience
- Explore Academic and Career
- Afford Your Education
- Succeed Resource Guide
- Connect Campus Life
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Environment Pathway
Welcome to the Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Environment program group! This group includes programs for Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Geography, Geology, Horticulture, Mathematics, Occupational Safety and Health/Radiation Safety, Physics, Viticulture and Winery Technology. We look forward to supporting your learning by providing opportunities for you to discover, clarify, and enter your pathway. Each program map provides you with career and labor market information along with recommended course sequencing to support you in achieving your academic and career goals.
Degree & Certificate Maps
Checklist for Success
My Semester To-Do List
0 - 15 Units
- Apply to the College
- Retrieve your W Number
- Login to Zonemail and CLASS-Web
- Complete your Orientation
- Take Assessments
- View a general map of your Academic and Career Pathway
- Create a personalized first semester plan with a Counselor Register/Enroll in your Coursework
- Apply for Financial Aid (FAFSA or Dream Act Application)
- Pay Fees
- Purchase/Rent Books
- Access Canvas
- Meet your Success Team
- Learn about additional student support services
(DSPS, Veterans, Black Cultural Resource Center, etc.)
By 30 Units
- Take a Career Assessment in Career Coach
- Make an appointment with your Counselor to create a comprehensive Student Educational Plan (SEP)
- Talk to your Financial Aid Advisor to understand your Financial Aid package
- Tour the Tutorial Center
- Learn how General Education Works
- Create a profile for the LPC job and internship board (handshake)
By 45 Units
- Visit the Career and Transfer Center to research and discuss transfer schools of interest
- Meet with your Counselor to confirm your major of study, learn about Transfer
- Admission Guarantees (TAG), update your education plan, transfer timeline and to understand your degree/transfer timeline
- Complete Scholarship Applications (February)
- Create a LinkedIn Profile and build a resume on Career Coach Resume Builder
- Schedule tours with colleges you are interested in transferring to in-person or virtually (CSU/UC)
- Learn how Major Requirements work
By 60 Units
- Meet with a Financial Aid Advisor to financially plan for college after transfer
- Make an appointment with your Counselor to finalize your education plan
- Add transfer tasks to your calendar (see QR Code above)
- Research and apply for internships/jobs using LPC's job and internship board (handshake) and visit the Career and Transfer Center
- Apply for Transfer (UC / CSU Applications 10/1 - 11/30
By 60+ Units
- Apply for Graduation (if you are obtaining a degree/certificate)
- Apply for Financial Aid (due March 2nd) - (FAFSA or Dream Act Application)
- Learn how to be successful at a four-year institution
- Let LPC know where you are going after graduation/transfer and become part of our Alumni Network!
- Attend Graduation!
Explore Intro Courses
Want to start exploring subjects in this area? Here are some great introductory courses you can start taking now!
List of Introductory Courses in the Pathway and what GE and Transfer requirements they satisfy.
Interested in Transferring to a 4-Year? Research shows that students are more likely to transfer when they complete transfer-level Math and English in their first year.
English transfer-level course and support options
Math transfer-level course options based on areas of interest and learning modes
Free award-winning Math Jam before the semester starts
Concurrent support options during the semester
Interested in Career Exploration or College Preparedness classes? Check out these below.
Career Spotlight
Visit Career Coach to take a career assessment, and search for salary and career information.