- Las Positas College
- Accreditation
- Accreditation
- Appendix 3: Examples of Student Learning Outcomes (Science and Math)
Appendix 3: Examples of Student Learning Outcomes (Science and Math)
ASTR10 - The Solar System
- demonstrate understanding of distances and time scales in the solar system and the cosmos, differentiate between astronomical science and other systems of thought, and understand basic concepts of planetary science
- Differentiate between basic planetary types and demonstrate understanding of the processes responsible for their formation.
- Relate distances and time scales in the solar system and the cosmos to terrestrial distances and human times scales.
- uses key ideas about the nature of the cosmos to differentiate between astronomical science and other systems of thought.
ASTR20 - Stars and the Universe
- Relate distances and time scales in astronomy to human distances and times scales.
- Differentiate between astronomical science and other systems of thought.
- Demonstrate understanding of the basic physics governing stars, galaxies, and cosmology.
ASTR30 - Intro to Astronomy Lab
- Identify eight seasonal constellations in the night sky
- students will demonstrate their understanding of principles, techniques, and methods of analysis for observational astronomy, including constellation and bright star identification, and awareness of seasonal changes in the night sky.
Biological Sciences
BIO1A - General Botany
- Gain hands-on experience with and demonstrate proficiency in standard biological techniques, using industry-level biology laboratory equipment and/or discipline-specific computer hardware and software.
- Students are able to explain and apply basic principles and processes of botany and ecology at different levels, from the biochemical to the ecological.
- Students will be able to properly manipulate a compound microscope and demonstrate knowledge of its parts and uses.
- Students will conduct a research project, taking measurements, keeping accurate records, analyzing and drawing conclusions, and communicating their results in the standard format for scientific research.
BIO1B - General Zoology
- Gain hands-on experience with and demonstrate proficiency in standard biological techniques, using industry-level biology laboratory equipment and/or discipline-specific computer hardware and software.
- Student will prepare, label, correctly identify, and reference the taxonomic orders of different adult insect species
- Students will be able to properly manipulate a compound microscope and demonstrate knowledge of its parts and uses.
BIO1C - Cell and Molecular Biology
- Gain hands-on experience with and demonstrate proficiency in standard biological techniques, using industry-level biology laboratory equipment and/or discipline-specific computer hardware and software.
- Students will be able to properly manipulate a compound microscope and demonstrate knowledge of its parts and uses.
- Students will conduct an independent research project and write a scientific report analyzing the results.
BIO7A - Human Anatomy
- Upon completion of BIO 7a, students will be able to identify the structures of the body systems using models, slides, cadavers, and/or visual media.
- Upon completion of BIO 7a, students will be able to relate structure to the function of anatomical structures and be able to predict how a change in structure would alter function.
- Upon completion of BIO 7a, students will be able to correctly describe location and parts of the body using anatomical terminology.
- Upon completion of BIO 7a, students will be able to identify histological and microscopic structures of the human body.
- Upon completion of BIO 7a, students will be able to identify selected skeletal muscles and predict action based on site of muscle insertion.
BIO7B - Human Physiology
- Upon completion of BIO 7b, students will be able to explain the physiological functions of each body system.
- Upon completion of BIO 7b, students will be able to apply the principles of homeostasis and the use of feedback loops to control physiological systems in the human body.
- Upon completion of BIO 7b, students will be able to evaluate physiological functions of select organ systems by interpreting graphs of physiological data and be able to solve allied-based math problems
- Upon completion of BIO 7b, students will be able to use and demonstrate proficiency in standard biological techniques, using industry-level biology laboratory equipment and/or discipline-specific computer hardware and software.
- Upon completion of BIO 7b, students will be able to research a relevant topic in physiology and communicate their findings clearly in writing or orally to others, demonstrating content knowledge acquired from reliable scientific sources.
BIO7C - Microbiology
- Upon completion of BIO 7c, students will be able to acquire, articulate, and apply specialized language and knowledge relevant to microbiology.
- Upon completion of BIO 7c, students will acquire and demonstrate competency in laboratory safety and in routine and specialized microbiological laboratory skills applicable to microbiological research or clinical methods, including accurately reporting observations and analysis.
- Upon completion of BIO 7c, students will gain hands-on experience with and demonstrate proficiency in standard microbiological techniques, using industry-level laboratory equipment and/or discipline-specific computer hardware and software.
- Upon completion of BIO 7c, students will explain and demonstrate the theoretical and practical aspects of using a compound microscope to study microorganisms using the oil immersion objective lens.
- Upon completion of BIO 7c, students will research a relevant topic in microbiology and communicate scientific concepts, experimental results and analytical arguments clearly and concisely in writing and/or orally, demonstrating content knowledge acquired from the course work and from reliable scientific sources
BIO10 - Intro to the Science of Biology
- Upon completion of Bio 10, students should be able to conduct guided experiments in the laboratory and interpret the results of these investigations, individually and/or in collaboration with other students.
- Upon completion of Bio 10, students should be able to explain and apply basic principles of ecology, cellular, evolutionary, and organismal biology.
- Upon completion of Bio 10, students should be able to properly manipulate a compound microscope and demonstrate knowledge of its parts and uses.
- Upon completion of Bio 10, the student will have gained hands-on experience with and demonstrated proficiency in standard biological techniques, using industry-level biology laboratory equipment and/or discipline-specific computer hardware and software.
BIO20 - Contemporary Human Biology
- Upon completion of BIO 20, students should be able to describe and relate the physical structure of the cells, tissues types and organ systems to their function.
- Upon completion of BIO 20, students will be able to explain the concept of homeostasis and how the different body systems maintain homeostasis, and be able to relate homeostatic failure to some common pathological conditions.
BIO30 - Intro to College Biology
- Upon completion of BIO 30, students should be able to conduct guided experiments in the laboratory and interpret the results of these investigations, individually and/or in collaboration with other students.
- Upon completion of Bio 30, students should be able to demonstrate writing proficiency on a written assignment which incorporates scientific data and/or basic principles of biology.
- Upon completion of BIO 30, students should be able to explain basic principles of biochemistry, ecology, and cellular, evolutionary, and organismal biology.
- Upon completion of Bio 30, students should be able to properly manipulate a compound microscope and demonstrate knowledge of its parts and uses.
- Upon completion of Bio 30, students should have gained hands-on experience with and demonstrated proficiency in standard biological techniques, using industry-level biology laboratory equipment and/or discipline-specific computer hardware and software.
BIO40 - Humans and the Environment
- Upon completion of Bio 40 students should be able to discuss environmental problems, their causes and evaluate solutions.
- Upon completion of Bio 40 students should be able to explain basic principles of ecology involving energy flow, cycling of matter, interactions within and between populations and assess the impact of humans on the biosphere
- Upon completion of Bio 40, students should be able to analyze and critically evaluate environmental information from various sources, and present their findings.
BIO50 - Anatomy and Physiology
- Upon completion of BIO 50, students will be able to list the organ systems, identify the structures of each organ system and explain their general functions.
- Upon completion of BIO 50, students will be able to research a relevant anatomical or physiological topic and communicate their findings to others, demonstrating content knowledge acquired from reliable scientific sources.
- Upon completion of BIO 50, students will be able to properly manipulate a compound microscope and demonstrate knowledge of its parts and uses.
BIO60 - Marine Biology
- Upon completion of BIO 60, students should be able to conduct guided experiments in the laboratory and interpret the results of these investigations, individually and/or in collaboration with other students.
- Upon completion of BIO 60, students should be able to differentiate various marine ecosystems, compare and contrast representative marine organisms, and understand their interdependence.
- Upon completion of Bio 60, students will be able to properly manipulate a compound microscope and dissecting microscope to study marine microorganisms and internal structures of marine organisms.
- Upon completion of Bio 60, students will have gained hands-on experience with and demonstrated proficiency in standard biological techniques, using industry-level biology laboratory equipment and/or discipline-specific computer hardware and software.
CHEM1A - General College Chemistry I
- Students completing Chemistry 1A should be able to demonstrate proficiency in solving complex problems and conceptual understanding of content listed in the course outline as measured by the American Chemical Society General College Chemistry First Term Exam.
CHEM1B - General College Chemistry II
- Students completing Chemistry 1B should be able to demonstrate proficiency in solving complex problems and conceptual understanding of content listed in the course outline as measured by the American Chemical Society General College Chemistry Full Year Exam.
CHEM12A - Organic Chemistry I
- Students should be able to write detailed reaction mechanisms.
CHEM12B - Organic Chemistry II
- Students completing 12B should be able to demonstrate proficiency in solving complex problems and conceptual understanding of content listed in the course outline as measured by the American Chemical Society Organic Chemistry series exam (beginning SP2015).
CHEM30A - Intro and Applied Chemistry I
- Students completing Chemistry 30A should be able to demonstrate proficiency in solving complex problems and conceptual understanding of content listed in the course outline as measured by the comprehensive final exam.
- Students should be able to define concentration units of solutions (e.g., molarity and % concentration) and use these definitions in problem solving.
CHEM30B - Intro and Applied Chemistry II
- Students should be able to describe the functions of different types of biological molecules.
CHEM31 - Intro to College Chemistry
- Students completing Chemistry 31 should be able to demonstrate proficiency in solving complex problems and conceptual understanding of content listed in the course outline as measured by the American Chemical Society 2006 California Chemistry Diagnostic Test.
ENGR10 - Introduction to Engineering
- Demonstrate an understanding of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet skills used in Engineering applications
- Demonstrate knowledge of the Engineering Transfer Process, from LPC to a 4-year university Engineering program
- Demonstrate the ability to create graphs (charts) within MS Excel
- Design and demonstrate a solution, using the engineering design process, to an engineering design problem
- Identify and differentiate between the different engineering branches, based on worded-descriptions of each branch.
ENGR22 - Engineering Design Graphics
- Apply dimensions to describe relative size of features and hole placement.
- Describe height, width, and depth of objects, relating to similar common shapes
- Differentiate between fron and top views, visible and hidden surfaces / features.
- Explain how the "form" of the bearing block dictates its "function."
- Use technical terms to describe rounded ends of objects, drilled holes of flange, and boss around center hub.
ENGR25 - Comp Methods Engineer/ Science
- Analyze and Model an engineering problem with Matlab, using vector inputs and outputs
- Correctly identify and calculate output values in Matlab programming language, with emphasis on syntax
- Demonstrate an understanding of the use of Microsoft Excel in solving problems using numerical methods
- Demonstrate effective creation and calling of Function files, including passing variables to a function, within Matlab
- Demonstrate the ability to generate graphs (charts) with MS Excel
ENGR35 - Statics
- Analyze the internal distribution of bending moment and shear forces on beams, ultimately needed to select the proper size of the members of the structure.
- Demonstrate the ability to construct accurate Free Body Diagrams
- Develop analysis methods to examine force systems acting on engineering structures in static equilibrium.
- Evaluate the constraining reactions needed to maintain static equilibrium on two- and three-dimensional rigid bodies acted on by force systems.
- Identify and distinguish between both metric (SI) and US units for various Statics terms
ENGR37 - Applied Statics and Materials
- Demonstrate the ability to construct accurate Free Body Diagrams
ENGR44 - Intro to Circuit Analysis
- Demonstrate the ability to analyze a 1st-order RL or RC electrical circuit, including analysis of boundary conditions
- Demonstrate the ability to analyze a 1st-ordere RL or RC circuit, including analysis of boundary conditions
- Demonstrate the ability to analyze a 2nd-order RLC electrical circuit, including analysis of damping type and boundary conditions.
- Students will analyze and demonstrate understanding of the electrical behavior of first and second order DC circuits, using various circuit analysis techniques.
- Utilize circuit simulation software to analyze electrical circuits.
- While working in groups, utilize electronic equipment to physically measure and analyze electrical circuits.
ENGR46 - Materials of Engineering
- Defining Materials terms by matching term with appropriate worded description
- Demonstrate the ability to operate materials testing equipment to generate the necessary data to formulate the properties of material tested.
- Identify the five different classifications for Engineering Materials.
- Recommend appropriate material(s) to meet engineering design criteria based on the materials' properties and performance.
Environmental Studies
- Students must be able to perform and analyze a home Energy Audit.
GEOG1 - Intro to Physical Geography
- Upon completion of GEOG 1, students will be able to understand the difference between divergent, convergent and transform plate boundaries.
- Upon completion of GEOG 1, students will be able to understand the global wind patterns and how they form
- Upon completion of GEOG 1, students will be able to understand the reasons why the seasons change.
GEOG1L - Intro to Phys Geog Laboratory
- Upon completion of GEOG 1L, students will be able to diagram and identify (explain) earth / sun relations)
- Upon completion of GEOG 1L, students will be able to identify major climate controls and be able to explain why certain climates are located where they are.
- Upon completion of GEOG 1L, students will be able to locate plate boundaries based on the type of tectonic activity and be able to explain why they are located where they are.
GEOG2 - Cultural Geography
- Upon completion of GEOG 2, students will be able to define, describe and explain the Multi-Nuclei model or urban development.
- Upon completion of GEOG 2, students will be able to differentiate between the different types of cultural diffusion.
- Upon completion of GEOG 2, students will be able to explain the Demographic Transition Model
GEOG5 - World Regional Geography
- Upon completion of GEOG 5, students will be able to locate and label on a map different cities of the world as discussed in class.
- Upon completion of GEOG 5, students will be able to locate and label on a map different rivers and landforms of the world as discussed in class.
- Upon completion of GEOG 5, students will be able to locate and label on a map the different countries of the world as discussed in class
GEOG8 - Intro to Weather and Climate
- Upon completion of GEOG 8 students will be able to define and describe the climates of the world as defined by Koppen.
- Upon completion of GEOG 8, students will be able to define different type of fronts and use these fronts on the map to predict the weather for a specific area.
- Upon completion of GEOG 8, students will be able to identify and describe the differences between stable and unstable air and give the expected weather characteristics.
GEOG12 - Geography of California
- Upon completion of GEOG 12, students will be able to identify different California cities, rivers, landforms on a blank map.
- Upon completion of GEOG 12, students will be able to identify different canals in California and state if they are federal, state or privately controlled.
- Upon completion of GEOG 12, students will be able to identify the different climates that exist in California.
GEOG15 - Introduction to GIS
- Successful completion of Geog 15 will allow the student to produce a printed map which demonstrates the basic concepts of cartographic design.
GEOL1 - Physical Geology
- Students demonstrate a working knowledge of geologic processes, geologic information , geologic identification, geologic analysis and/or geologic applications
- Upon completion of Geology 1, students will be able to define and identify the geology of divergent, convergent and transform plate tectonic environments.
- Upon completion of Geology 1, students will be able to identify and define the basic properties of minerals.
- Upon completion of Geology 1, students will be able to identify and differentiate the basic ages of the Geologic Time Scale.
GEOL1L - Physical Geology Laboratory
- Students demonstrate a working knowledge of geologic laboratory processes, geologic concepts , geologic identification, geologic analysis and/or geologic applications
- Upon completion of Geology 1 laboratory, students will be able to evaluate and differentiate mineral samples
- Upon completion of Geology 1 laboratory, students will be able to evaluate and differentiate rock samples
- Upon completion of Geology 1 laboratory, students will be able to evaluate and interpret geologic diagrams encapsulating geologic histories.
GEOL3 - Historical Geology
- Students demonstrate a working knowledge of Historical Geologic processes, geologic information , geologic identification, geologic analysis and/or geologic applications
- Upon completion of Geology 3, students will be able to define and identify the geology of divergent, convergent and transform plate tectonic environments.
- Upon completion of Geology 3, students will be able to evaluate and interpret geologic diagrams encapsulating geologic histories (sequences of events).
- Upon completion of Geology 3, students will be able to identify and differentiate the types and methods of fossilization.
GEOL3L - Historical Geology Laboratory
- Students demonstrate a working knowledge of Historical Geologic laboratory processes, geologic information , geologic identification, geologic analysis and/or geologic applications
- Upon completion of Geology 3 laboratory, students will be able to evaluate and/or interpret geologic diagrams encapsulating geologic histories (sequences of events).
- Upon completion of Geology 3 laboratory, students will be able to identify and differentiate fossil samples.
- Upon completion of Geology 3 laboratory, students will be able to interpret, analyze and/or explain complex geologic concepts and principles through geologic cross-sections.
- Students demonstrate a working knowledge of Environmental Geologic processes, geologic information , geologic identification, geologic analysis and/or geologic applications; specifically focused on natural disasters. planning and mitigation.
- Upon completion of Geology 5, students will be able to define and identify the geology of divergent, convergent and transform plate tectonic environments.
- Upon completion of Geology 5, students will be able to identify and/or explain the fundamentals of stream systems, including flooding.
- Upon completion of Geology 5, students will be able to identify and/or explain volcanic geohazards.
- Students demonstrate a working knowledge of Environmental Geologic processes, geologic information , geologic identification, geologic analysis and/or geologic applications; specifically towards natural resources, the impacts of using those resources and the resulting pollution impacts.
- Upon completion of Geology 7, students will be able to define and identify the geology of divergent, convergent and transform plate tectonic environments.
- Upon completion of Geology 7, students will be able to identify and differentiate the various types of fossil fuels.
- Upon completion of Geology 7, students will be able to identify and/or evaluate the various methods of groundwater pollution.
GEOL12 - Introduction to Oceanography
- Students demonstrate a working knowledge of marine geologic processes, geologic information , geologic identification, geologic analysis and/or geologic applications
- Upon completion of Geology 12, students will be able to analyze, differentiate and/or identify the basic marine life habitats.
- Upon completion of Geology 12, students will be able to define and identify the geology of divergent, convergent and transform plate tectonic environments.
- Upon completion of Geology 12, students will be able to identify and differentiate basic marine geomorphologies (e.g., seamounts, guyots, continental shelf, submarine canyons, etc.)
GEOL12L - Intro to Oceanography Lab
- Students demonstrate a working knowledge of marine geologic processes, geologic information , geologic identification, geologic analysis and/or geologic applications
- Upon completion of Geology 12 laboratory, students will be able to construct bathymetric contours
- Upon completion of Geology 12 laboratory, students will be able to evaluate (test and identify) sea floor samples
- Upon completion of Geology 12 laboratory, students will be able to interpret bathymetric maps
Health Sciences
- Break down complex medical terms into simple root words and infer larger meanings through knowledge of smaller component word parts.
HORT50 - Introduction to Horticulture
- Student should demonstrate a clear understanding of the photosynthetic process
- The student will be able to propagate a plant by taking a cutting.
- The student will be able to propagate plants by properly germinating seeds.
HORT53 - Plant Disease & Pest Control
- Student will be able to accurately identify common insect, weed pests, and plant diseases
HORT54 - Planting Media & Nutrition
- Student will demonstrate knowledge of soil amendments, soil substitutes, their use and application
HORT55 - Horticulture Mgmt & Operations
- Student will be able to accurately describe the various specialties within the nursery industry
- The student will be able to successfully grow, merchandise and sell plants.
HORT56 - Arboriculture
- Student will safely demonstrate the proper, safe use and application of tools and equipment used specifically for arboriculture
- The student will be able to complete a tree assessment/survey and apply the knowledge to making sound tree maintenance decisions.
- The student will be able to select good quality nursery trees, and train them properly, when young.
HORT57 - Landscape and Turfgrass Mgmt
- Student will demonstrate how to properly schedule and perform basic landscape turf maintenance tasks such as mowing, edging, nutritional amendments and irrigation system adjustment and monitoring;
HORT59 - Landscape Design
- Student will be able to demonstrate graphics drawing skills for landscape architectural design
HORT60 - Landscape Irrigation Systems
- Student will be able to identify the various tools and materials specific to building a successful, efficient, and sound sprinkler and/or drip irrigation system design
- Student will be able to determine the landscape use and ornamental value of drought tolerant plant materials
MATH1 - Calculus I
- Upon completion of Math 1, a student should be able to construct an optimization model and use it to find the desired quantity.
- Upon completion of Math 1, a student should be able to evaluate and interpret a definite integral.
- Upon completion of Math 1, a student should be able to find the limit of a function as x approaches a value using numerical and graphical techniques.
- Upon completion of Math 1, a student should be able to find the volume of a solid of revolution using washers or shells.
- Upon completion of Math 1, a student should be able to integrate a function involving a u-substitution.
MATH2 - Calculus II
- Upon completion of Math 2, a student should be able to determine an arc length using parametric equations.
- Upon completion of Math 2, a student should be able to determine the interval of convergence for a power series.
- Upon completion of Math 2, a student should be able to evaluate an integral using a power series representation.
- Upon completion of Math 2, a student should be able to integrate a function using a partial fraction expansion.
- Upon completion of Math 2, a student should be able to use a graphing calculator (and/or other technology) to evaluate a definite integral using a numerical method and determine the accuracy of the result.
MATH3 - Multivariable Calculus
- Upon completion of Math 3, a student should be able to evaluate a surface integral.
- Upon completion of Math 3, a student should be able to evaluating a surface integral for vector functions using parameterization of the surface or using the Divergence theorem.
- Upon completion of Math 3, a student should be able to interpret directional derivatives, including the gradient.
- Upon completion of Math 3, a student should be able to solve an optimization problem by using the method of LaGrange multipliers.
MATH5 - Ordinary Differential Equation
- Upon completion of Math 5, a student should be able to construct and interpret the solution of a mass-spring system.
- Upon completion of Math 5, a student should be able to create and analyze mathematical models based on ordinary differential equations
- Upon completion of Math 5, a student should be able to use a 4th order Runge-Kutta algorithm to solve an equation numerically.
- Upon completion of Math 5, a student should be able to use the method of Laplace transforms to solve differential equation.
MATH7 - Elementary Linear Algebra
- Upon completion of Math 7, a student should be able to determine if a set is a subspace of a vector space.
- Upon completion of Math 7, a student should be able to diagonalize a matrix.
- Upon completion of Math 7, a student should be able to set up a system of Linear Equations to represent a network and then solve the system.
- Upon completion of Math 7, a student should be able to use software to solve a least squares problem.
MATH10 - Discrete Mathematics
- Upon completion of Math 10, a student should be able to create an undirected graph that represents the network of objects in a set and find a minimum spanning tree for the graph.
- Upon completion of Math 10, a student should be able to determine whether a relation is an equivalence relation.
- Upon completion of Math 10, a student should be able to use mathematical reasoning and counting techniques to correctly enumerate the number of ways in which a specified event can occur.
- Upon completion of Math 10, a student should be able to write a coherent formal proof using mathematical induction.
MATH20 - Pre-Calculus Mathematics
- Upon completion of Math 20, a student should be able to find all zeros of a polynomial function.
- Upon completion of Math 20, a student should be able to find extrema using a graphing calculator and/or other technology.
- Upon completion of Math 20, a student should be able to graph and identify the main features a rational function without using a graphing utility.
- Upon completion of Math 20, a student should be able to model a problem using exponential growth or decay.
- Upon completion of Math 20, a student should be able to solve a nonlinear system of equations graphically and verify analytically.
MATH33 - Finite Mathematics
- Upon completion of Math 33, a student should be able to find the probability of an event and explain the meaning of the value found.
- Upon completion of Math 33, a student should be able to model an applied problem by writing a system of linear inequalities or equalities.
- Upon completion of Math 33, a student should be able to solve a system of linear equations in matrix form by hand (without using a calculator).
- Upon completion of Math 33, a student should be able to use the financial functions on a graphing calculator to answer questions about loans or annuities.
- Upon completion of Math 33, a student should be able to write a system of linear equations and inequalities that represent the relationships between the quantities in a linear programming problem and represent the solution graphically and verbally.
MATH34 - Calc for Bus and Soc Sciences
- Upon completion of Math 34, a student should be able to calculate the marginal cost, marginal profit, and marginal revenue and discuss their meaning in the context of an applied problem.
- Upon completion of Math 34, a student should be able to evaluate a definite or indefinite integral symbolically by hand using the technique of substitution.
- Upon completion of Math 34, a student should be able to graph an elementary function by hand using the 1st and 2nd derivatives.
- Upon completion of Math 34, a student should be able to solve an amortization problem involving the use of a calculator.
- Upon completion of Math 34, a student should be able to write a differential equation that models an applied problem.
MATH38 - Trigonometry with Geometry
- Upon completion of Math 38, a student should be able to identify and describe the period, amplitude and phase shift of a sine or cosine function.
- Upon completion of Math 38, a student should be able to solve a trigonometric equation using factoring and identities.
- Upon completion of Math 38, a student should be able to solve an application problem using law of sines.
MATH39 - Trigonometry
- Upon completion of Math 39, a student should be able to define trigonometric functions in terms of the right triangle, using coordinates of a point and distance from the origin, and using the unit circle.
- Upon completion of Math 39, a student should be able to identify and describe the period, amplitude and phase shift of a sine or cosine function.
- Upon completion of Math 39, a student should be able to solve a trigonometric equation that does not involve any of the standard angles as solutions, making usage of a calculator necessary.
- Upon completion of Math 39, a student should be able to solve a trigonometric equation using factoring and identities.
- Upon completion of Math 39, a student should be able to solve an application problem using law of sines or law of cosines.
- Upon completion of Math 40, a student should be able to build a frequency distribution for, and make a histogram of, quantitative data.
- Upon completion of Math 40, a student should be able to determine whether or not there is significant correlation for a bivariate data set, and if so, fit a linear regression equation and use it for data prediction.
- Upon completion of Math 40, a student should be able to perform the steps for a hypothesis test about a single population parameter and interpret the result.
- Upon completion of Math 40, a student should be able to solve an application problem using the central limit theorem.
- Upon completion of Math 40, a student should be able to use a computer program to make a graph of categorical data.
MATH45 - College Algebra
- Upon completion of Math 45, a student should be able to find extrema and zeros using a graphing calculator and/or other technology.
- Upon completion of Math 45, a student should be able to find the real zeros of a polynomial function.
- Upon completion of Math 45, a student should be able to graph and identify the main features a rational function without using a graphing utility
- Upon completion of Math 45, a student should be able to model a problem using exponential growth or decay.
MATH47 - Mathematics for Liberal Arts
- Upon completion of Math 47, a student should be able to develop and use an appropriate model (linear or exponential) for a given problem.
- Upon completion of Math 47, a student should be able to find the probability of an event and explain the meaning of the value found.
- Upon completion of Math 47, a student should be able to solve a financial problem involving amortization.
- Upon completion of Math 47, a student should be able to translate a statement into symbolic logic notation.
MATH50 - Core Intermediate Algebra
- Upon completion of Math 50, a student should be able to construct multiple representations of a function (numerical, graphical, or symbolic).
- Upon completion of Math 50, a student should be able to determine the domain of a function.
- Upon completion of Math 50, a student should be able to given a data set, use technology to graph a scatter plot of the data and find the line of best fit (linear regression).
- Upon completion of Math 50, a student should be able to solve and interpret an applied problem using a function.
- Upon completion of Math 50, a student should be able to write an exponential function model.
MATH55 - Intermediate Algebra
- Upon completion of Math 55, a student should be able to construct multiple representations of a function (numerical, graphical, or symbolic).
- Upon completion of Math 55, a student should be able to determine the domain of a function.
- Upon completion of Math 55, a student should be able to interpret the solution of an applied problem that uses a function.
- Upon completion of Math 55, a student should be able to solve an applied problem using a function.
MATH55A - Intermediate Algebra A
- Upon completion of Math 55A, a student should be able to determine the domain of a function.
MATH55B - Intermediate Algebra B
- Upon completion of Math 55B, a student should be able to construct multiple representations of a function (numerical, graphical, or symbolic).
- Upon completion of Math 55B, a student should be able to interpret the solution of an applied problem that uses a function.
- Upon completion of Math 55B, a student should be able to solve an applied problem using a function.
MATH65 - Elementary Algebra
- Upon completion of Math 65, a student should be able to construct a linear model based on a given situation.
- Upon completion of Math 65, a student should be able to construct multiple representations of a linear equation (numerical, graphical, or symbolic)
- Upon completion of Math 65, a student should be able to interpret the slope in the context of a problem.
- Upon completion of Math 65, a student should be able to solve a polynomial equation using factoring techniques.
MATH65A - Elementary Algebra A
- Upon completion of Math 65A, a student should be able to construct a linear model based on a given situation.
- Upon completion of Math 65A, a student should be able to construct multiple representations of a linear equation (numerical, graphical, or symbolic).
- Upon completion of Math 65A, a student should be able to interpret the slope in the context of a problem.
MATH65B - Elementary Algebra B
- Upon completion of Math 65B, a student should be able to solve a polynomial equation using factoring techniques.
- Upon completion of Math 71A, a student should be able to perform a unit conversion.
- Upon completion of Math 71A, a student should be able to solve an applied problem involving rates (e.g. parts per hour, threads per inch and revolutions per minute).
- Upon completion of Math 71B, a student should be able to find the volume of a geometric figure.
- Upon completion of Math 71B, a student should be able to solve problems involving trigonometric ratios.
- Upon completion of Math 107, a student should be able to perform order of operations to simplify expressions involving signed integers.
- Upon completion of Math 107, a student should be able to set up and solve applications involving ratios, rates, or proportions.
- Upon completion of Math 107, a student should be able to solve an algebraic equation.
- Upon completion of Math 107A, a student should be able to perform order of operations to simplify expressions involving signed integers.
- Upon completion of Math 107B, a student should be able to set up and solve applications involving ratios, rates, or proportions.
- Upon completion of Math 107B, a student should be able to solve an algebraic equation.
Occupational Safety and Health
OSH50 - Intro Occupational Safety/Hlth
- Implement an injury and illness prevention program similar to the models supplied by both Federal OSHA and Cal/OSHA and evaluate the program in terms of this model.
OSH60 - Elements of Industrial Hygiene
- Recognize workplace hazards which are of Industrial Hygiene interest in a variety of workplaces.
OSH62 - Physical Hazards
- Explain and illustrate methods of control of hazards with particular reference to regulatory standards.
OSH67 - Comp Regulatory Requirements
- Students will explain the role of human factors in safety and accident prevention.
For more information please contact:
Tim Druley
Document Manager
(925) 424-1658