- Las Positas College
- Las Positas College Directory
- Computer Science
- Paul Hrycewicz
Computer Science
- Computer Science (CS)
- CodeJam 2021
- A.S. Degree Computer Science
- Artificial Intelligence Certificate
- Computer Programming Certificate
- Computer Programming for the Web Certificate
- Management Information Systems Certificate
- Red Hat Administration Certificate
- Job Market
- Transfer Opportunities
- Computer Studies
- Career Education
Paul Hrycewicz
Computer Science
- E-mail: phrycewicz@laspositascollege.edu
- Phone:
- Office Hours: Office Hours Zoom Link
Office Hours: 9:15-10:15 PM MW Room 1013
9:15-10:15 PM TTh Room 1054
2:10-3:00 PM MW via Zoom, link below:
and by appointment.
Zoom link for OH by appointment:

I've been involved with computers and computer science my entire life, starting my first semester in high school, when my locker partner showed me a program he'd written that listed the square roots from 1-100. Instantly hooked, I joined the computer club and never looked back. I've had a long, interesting, and fun Silicon Valley career, working for a variety of companies in various positions, and I'm happy to be teaching computer science once again.