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Las Positas College

Administrative Rules & Procedures

All complaints of alleged misconduct made against a student by any person should be submitted to the Dean of Students or the Vice President of Student Services at Las Positas College. These complaints must be made in writing, specifying the time, place, and nature of the alleged misconduct. All complaints must be signed. If the Dean or Vice President determines the complaint to be capricious, the complaint may be dismissed.

The Dean or the Vice President shall conduct an investigation of the report incident as is appropriate. The Dean or Vice President will confer with the accused student for the purposes of advising the student of the report and of the student's rights under college rules and regulations. The Dean or Vice President may also procure information relating to the report from the accused student and other persons. Such investigations shall be treated as confidential and shall not be placed in the student's file unless a charge is upheld and a decision is rendered by the Vice President or Dean or designee against the student.

Following investigation, the Dean of Students or Vice President of Student Services will render a decision in writing to the student as well as the person filing the complaint against the student (if appropriate) within five (5) working days. The Dean or Vice President may find that the complaint lacks merit; or deliver a written statement to the accused student formally charging that student with misconduct. This statement will specify one of the following actions that will be taken in the case:

  • Place on record a verbal or written reprimand.
  • Place the student on probation, temporary exclusion or suspension.
  • Recommend expulsion to the District Board of Trustees via the President of the College and the District Chancellor.
  • Assign the case for further review to a formal Hearing Committee.

The student may do either of the following:

  • Accept the Dean of Students or Vice President's decision.
  • Notify the Dean or Vice President within two (2) working days to initiate a formal hearing.