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Las Positas College

HyFlex Participation Modes

When you enroll in a HyFlex class, you have the option to participate in whichever mode you think is best for you, and you can make this choice for every class meeting in the course. You can change modes at any time and for any reason.

Your instructor may give you a choice of two participations modes (on campus and either synchronous online or asynchronous online) or three participation modes (on campus, synchronous online and asynchronous online). Regardless, you have choices, and you should make the best decision for your learning style and your situation.

You might be in a situation where one or more modes is not really practical for you to use. For example, you might live far away from campus, cannot realistically travel to campus at the time scheduled for the class, or, have a fixed schedule conflict such as work or family responsibilities. In those cases, you would choose among the online options.

Making your Choice

This page is designed to help you make a wise, informed decision when you have realistic options from which to choose. Here are the main advantages and disadvantages of each participation mode:

Participation Mode Choices
Mode Strengths Challenges
On campus (in person)
  • Real-time interaction with the teacher and other students
  • Location and time are fixed
  • Commute to campus
  • Gas prices
  • Health concerns
Synchronous (live online via Zoom)
  • Ability to participate live wherever an internet connection is available
  • Real-time interaction with the instructor other students
  • Unavailable or unstable internet connection
  • Distractions at location
Asynchronous (on your own time in Canvas)
  • Flexibility to participate when convenient
  • Inability to ask questions during the class time
  • Limited ability to sense emotions from instructor and classmates

Decision Process

  1. Decide which options are available to you.
  2. If all options are available to you, consider whether participating asynchronously will present a challenge to your motivation in completing weekly activities and assignments.
  3. If all options are available to you, consider which option will generate more enjoyment and meaning in the learning process (interacting in real-time with the instructor and classmates or more solitary on your own time).

The flow charts below are intended to help you decide how you want to participate in your HyFlex course. Click each one to expand the views.

Logistical factors. Click to expand.  Learning preferences. Click to expand.