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Las Positas College

Curriculum Committee - Course Proposals

If you would like LPC to offer a new fully online or hybrid course, you must complete a Distance Education proprosal and get it approved by the college's Curriculum Committee. Obviously, before embarking on the curriculum proposal process, you will want to discuss the course with the full-time faculty members in your discipline, your advisory committee, and/or your dean.

Faculty who gain the verbal approval to create a new DE course must complete a separate DE proposal within the LPC's curriculum management system, CurricUNET. It might make more sense to first participate in the Online Course Development Program so you can better understand what you are proposing.

For the DE proposal, you will be asked how you will make your course content accessible to students with disabilities, what you will include in your syllabus, what your rationale is for offering the course, and you will note how you will facilitate instructor-to-student interaction, student-to-student interaction, and student-to-content interaction.