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Las Positas College

Employer Responsibilities

The intention of the LAEP program is to provide students with an educationally-beneficial position that relates to their area of study or career exploration, as well as connect students to full-time employment opportunities after graduation.

To participate, employers are required to complete/adhere to the following:

  • Sign an Employer Agreement (MOU) with the District Office prior to participation, facilitated by the LAEP Coordinator, Dr. Stuart McElderry, Dean of Business, Social Science, and Learning Resources.
  • Complete Las Positas College vendor paperwork 
  • LPC will assist in identifying and prequalifying interested students.
  • Hire a LAEP-eligible student whose area of study or career objectives align with employer's internship description. The LAEP coordinator will confirm the student's LAEP eligibility.
  • Pay the intern a comparable rate to that of comparable positions within your organization.
  • Pay the intern directly and submit a full or partial reimbursement invoice to Las Positas College.
  • Provide Las Positas College an accurate accounting of hours worked and wages earned. 
  • Ensure that all work performed by intern is educationally beneficial and that it relates directly to the student's area of study or career objectives.
  • Provide the intern with reasonable supervision, performance feedback and professional mentoring.
  • Schedule intern's work hours around student's class and examination schedule, understanding that college commitments come first.
  • Limit intern's work hours to 5 - 20 hours per week 
  • Employer agrees to monitoring by Las Positas College representative(s) to ensure compliance with LAEP program parameters and expectations
  • During the internship, provide the student with information on how to apply for full-time employment with the employer's organization after graduation, or introduce the intern to other employers that are capable of providing full-time employment opportunities after graduation.