Occupational Safety and Health
The Occupational Safety and Health program is designed to provide students the skills needed for employment in occupational safety and health. Practitioners in this career implement health and safety programs to meet mandated regulations in an effort to control occupational injuries and illnesses, accidents, and property losses due to unsafe working conditions. The scope of work in occupatiodnal safety and health may include development of cutting edge health and safety programs, identification of workplace hazards and appropriate controls, recognition and evaluation of potential worker exposure to contaminants, accident/incident investigation, and development/delivery of health and safety training programs.
Programs of Study
Certificates of Achievement:
Career Opportunities
The safety and health worker may specialize in various fields including general safety, construction safety, chemical and radiological safety, emergency response, transportation, fire and property protection, or systems or product design, among others.
The Associate of Science degree and the Certificate of Achievement in Occupational Safety and Health are designed for direct job entry and/or career enhancement.