[LOGO and header graphics go here]
This site was created as part of a captone project class at Santa Rosa Junior College. The combined Web Content Development and Interactive Media classes assign students to teams where they develop a customized site for a non-profit organization - at no cost. While there is no monetary charge, potential clients do need to set aside to time during the full semester to work and meet with students (either in person or virtually), and provide content for their sites. Intereative Media students can work with clients to create movies, animations, and/or sound clips for their site.
If your organization would like information on becoming a client during the upcoming school semester, visit the SRJC Computer Studies Department website. Or you many contact the Departement directly at: (707) 527-4778.
The team members assigned to design and develop this site include:
Both CS 50.31 & CIS 50.32 are practical hands on courses where students create a complex Web site for a non-profit agency in the community. Topics include:
Students will work in teams of 3-5 to develop a Web site for a client to be provided by their instructor.
The primary goals is to give students a chance to apply HTML/CSS, Web design, and Web programming skills to a "real life" situation. This class will expand real-world knowledge of HTML, Photoshop, Flash, PHP, CSS and other supporting programs. It will provide an opportunity to learn how to react within a group, deal with a client, handle deadlines, and adapt to change.
Many students express an interest in Web development and wonder if it would be a viable career change for them. After taking this course - students will know a lot more about their career goals and interests, and the industry.
In speaking with employers they often state that the "soft skills" such as communication, problem solving cooperation, reliability, and ability to accept change, are more valuable then the technical skills such as HTML, Perl, and CSS. So with a few technical skills and a positive attitude, we approach this adventure and hope to all learn and grow.